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By Marjory J. Sente


Born in Jerome to Arthur A. and Mae Winterholer Foster in 1908, Edith Marie Foster lived a life that few girls at the time would ever dream possible. Graduating from Prescott High School in 1926, she attended the University of Arizona, graduating in 1930.


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By Coleen Bornschlegel


Outside the Prescott Valley Civic Center sits Limitless by Michael Tierney - an immense painted steel sculpture that reaches into the sky and warmly invites passersby to experience its magnificent scale and vibrant colors.

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By Sally Jackson and Karen Murphy


Few Arizonans know that John Noble Goodwin, the first Governor of the Arizona Territory, was descended from the esteemed Reverend Robert Jordan of Maine. Likewise, few are aware of the connections to criminality in Goodwin’s family tree.

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By Amy Garbo


When people think of fashion, they may not think of Prescott, AZ. Most people, especially today,  associate fashion with cities like New York, Paris or Milan. However, national or local, fashion is what we make it and depends on practicality and personal taste.


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By Kelly Cordes


Have you ever wondered what would have happened if certain political figures had won their elections rather than lost? This article focuses on two politicians who lost elections to Congress in 1862, John N. Goodwin of Maine and Richard C. McCormick of New York.


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Public Art in Prescott

Jul 19, 2024

By Dale O’Dell

Since the invention of organized society, humans have been decorating their living and working spaces. Murals, sculptures and rock art are primary types of public outdoor art.  Mural-making dates to Upper Paleolithic times (estimated to be as much as 50,000 years old). Humanity seems compelled to make art.

In Prescott, as well as the rest of the Southwest U.S., our landscape is dotted with Native American petroglyphs and pictographs (rock art), some of which are thousands of years old. Contemporary outdoor art, however, is bigger, bolder, brighter, urban and easier to find. The popularity of large-scale murals in the Western world began in the nineteenth century with ready-made paint. Although artists used paint as long as 30,000 years ago, it wasn’t until 1867 that D.R. Averill patented the first prepared or “ready mixed” paints in the U.S..

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By Lisa Schnebly Heidinger


[Note: The author is the great-granddaughter of Sedona Schnebly, for whom Sedona is named. This article reflects her thoughts about her ancestor.]


Larry Schnebly, Sedona Schnebly’s grandson, my father, often said, “Looking at the past is like looking at a foreign country; there’s so much we can’t understand.” Growing up hearing about my great-grandmother’s pioneering adventures filled me with awe and envy. What a difference she made in what is now Arizona. However, as my friend Jodi Applegate (former host of Good Morning Arizona) points out, “The truly important questions can only be answered, ‘Well, yes and no.’” Sedona was amazing. And she wasn’t.


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By Mary Melcher, Ph.D., edited by Robert Harner


Sharlot Hall was just twelve years old in 1882 when her family moved by covered wagon from Kansas to Arizona Territory. The family settled onto a ranch near Dewey, and Sharlot settled into a life of ranching work. Her father placed little emphasis on formal education. Sharlot attended a school term in Dewey and a high school term in Prescott, but she was largely self-educated...

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By Kristen Kauffman


On October 17, 1903, an off-schedule train screeched through Prescott at 6 AM, waking up the town. This was intentional, meant to announce William Randolph Hearst, newspaper tycoon and politician (later of Hearst Castle fame), arriving with great fanfare.


With Hearst were fifteen congressmen and their wives, some hesitant to travel into the infamous “Wild West.” The purpose of the trip was for Hearst and company to tour the Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona territories and inspect these eligible candidates for statehood—and because Prescott was keen to impress them with proof of civilized living, one tour stop included a thorough inspection of the school....

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By Mick Woodcock


Last week we learned of problems in May 1886 with not having enough water impounded at the reservoir to meet Prescott’s needs. This dam for this reservoir was located on Miller Creek, behind today's Arizona Public Service power station near the old railroad bridge. By the middle of July 1886, a flood gate had been created which would allow the mud to be cleaned and keep it from accumulating. Apparently, this did not have the desired effect on water levels.


By the end of September 1888, the newspaper reported water at the reservoir as “getting alarmingly scarce.” In January 1889 a valve at the waterworks froze and burst, which stopped water pumping for ten days. A June 26, 1889 article in the Arizona Weekly Journal Miner stated “The city water works are dry….”


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