By Bradley G. Courtney


On Friday, December 20, 1935, the Prescott Evening Courier published a report entitled, “Unusual Rug Shown In Downtown Window.” The window belonged to the Bashford-Burmister company on Gurley Street. The rug’s braider was described as “an unusual old lady” living in the Arizona Pioneers’ Home. The 86-year-old was “stone cold deaf and still suffering from the effects of the sting of the vinegarroon (a large whip scorpion).” The rug was oval-shaped, approximately 2082 square inches, and fashioned “with her throbbing foot perched on a pillow on her bed.” The rug was impressive: “So clever is the artistry of the rug—an art belonging to an older generation and just about passing out—it is more than passing interest.”

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