By Charles Debrille Poston, 1864
(Edited by Parker Anderson)
(Charles D. Poston has been called by many historians as "the Father of Arizona" due to his efforts lobbying for creation of the territory. He was an explorer and prospector in the territory before the arrival of the first governor’s party (December 1863) and was appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs by President Lincoln. He would also become the Territory of Arizona’s first Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives (1864-65). In 1864, he wrote a lengthy letter to his friend J. Ross Browne about his tour of the Territory shortly after the Capital was set up in Prescott. The townsite was named Prescott in May of 1864. The letter was published in the Miner on September 21, 1864 and October 5, 1864. Following are excerpts from that letter. -ed).
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