Louisa Elizabeth F. Wilson was born in 1820 in Kentucky. Her birthdate is not known, nor are her parents’ names. She married Charles Francis Wilson, a merchant, in Missouri. In the 1860 Missouri Federal Census, Charles is no longer mentioned. Whether he passed away or left is not known.
They had one daughter, Florence, who was born on May 10, 1852, in Mt. Vernon, Lawrence County, Missouri.
Louisa was a teacher in her young womanhood. In later years, she made her home with her daughter, coming to Prescott in 1898. She was one of the founders of the History and Poetry Study Group, along with her daughter Florence Herndon, Mrs. F. A. Trittle, Mrs. R.H. Burmister, and Mrs. Hugo Richards. Her fine qualities of mind and heart endeared her to her wide circle of friends.
Louisa died in Prescott on March 22, 1900, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Herndon. She is buried in the Masonic Cemetery.
Her daughter, Florence (Wilson) Herndon, and her granddaughter, Florence (Herndon) Russell, are also represented in the Territorial Women’s Rose Garden.
Donor: Mrs. David Russell
Photo Located: PO-995p
Updated: 2/20/2016, Gretchen Hough Eastman