705A-E - Micela (Ferra) Burgess, N/A, Transcript: No and Digitized: Yes


Oral History
Interviewee:  Micela "Mickey" Burgess  (b. 03/10/1890 – d. 03/11/1987)
Interviewer:  Sallie Pierce Harris
Audio Number:  705A-E
Duration: A - 00:47:13, B - 00:47:37, C - 00:43.22, D - 00:46:33, E - 00:31:45
Date:  January 1, 1970; January 1, 1970; September 20, 1984, January 24, 1986; January 24, 1986
Topics Discussed:  Ferra/Farra Family; Mohave Indian Customs; Yavapai County, 1890-1920; Yuma County, 1860-1880; Yavapai Indians & Santa Maria Ranch.
NOTE:  The family last name of Ferra is sometimes spelled Farra.
