Jesse Baxter Grave Marker


Elizabeth Bourgault Unknown 1100-2022-1100.jpg Days Past Color 1100-2022-1101 1100-2022-1100 Digital Born 3x5 Media Unknown Date Reproduction rights are not available. Owned by another institution.


Photo of the gravestone of Jesse Earl Baxter (b. 1892 - d. 1917).

Yavapai Cemetery Association (YCA), a volunteer group formed in 1995 to restore and manage Citizen’s Cemetery on E. Sheldon St. in Prescott, created an “Adopt a Grave” program in 2013. YCA worked with the public to not only “adopt” graves which the adopter would then care for, but to also purchase markers for any of the hundreds of graves without them. This effort resulted in about 125 new markers added to graves. Betty Bourgault adopted the grave of Jesse Baxter and purchased a new marker for it.

Jesse was born on June 24, 1892, in Mountainburg, Arkansas, to Louis Scott and Cynthia Wells Baxter. On January 11, 1917, Jesse Baxter, 24, was accidentally electrocuted at the the Consolidated Arizona Smelting Company in Humboldt, AZ while performing his duties as an unloader of trolley cars carrying ore.

Photo Courtesy Elizabeth Bourgault


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